What is commissioning?
Commissioning at Kingston is the process for deciding how best to use our resources to best achieve results for residents, businesses and communities. Commissioning is more than focusing on money - resources can include technology, property, our relationships with partners and much more.
Our aims
We aim to:
- Listen to local businesses and ensure our procurement practices support the local economy.
- Increase our spending with firms that support our approach to inclusive growth and the delivery of social value objectives.
- Set targets for local spending and the weighting for social value, looking at examples in some London boroughs where over 25% of spending is local.
- Offer training to local small businesses so that they are “fit to supply”, including teaching how to show their social value through the tender processes.
- Collaborate to deliver a more consistent approach to procurement across London and promote benchmarking around our levels of local spending.
New commissioning framework
Thank you to all who participated in our commissioning survey.
Contributions to this consultation are closed for evaluation and review. The Project team will report back on key outcomes and publish on the Kingston Let’s Talk consultation portal later in the year.
Contracts register
You can search our current contracts on the contacts register via the London Tenders portal.
Commercial Pipeline
Kingston Council's commercial Pipeline provides a forward look at our anticipated sourcing activity over the next 3 years (2023 - 2026). Where possible, we have included all our major projects and anticipated procurements valued at £150,000 or more.
RBK Commercial Pipeline for Publication
Doing Business with Kingston Council guide for suppliers
The Council has produced a supplier's guide for doing business which provides information about our procurement processes, values and culture, including Social Value, London Living Wage, Equalities and Diversity, Environment and Sustainability and support to businesses.
For more information please contact us