Check if you need building control approval

Building regulation approval is different from planning permission. You may need both for your project. 

Building regulations

Building regulations set minimum standards for the design, construction and alterations to buildings. 

Building regulations recommend minimum standards in:

  • structural stability
  • fire safety
  • damp-proofing
  • sound insulation
  • stairs ramp and guards
  • ventilation
  • drainage
  • energy conservation
  • access to and use of buildings
  • glazing
  • heat-producing appliances
  • water efficiency
  • electrical safety

This list is not exhaustive. 

You are responsible for making sure that any building work meets the minimum standard set out in the building regulations on GOV.UK

Planning permission 

If you haven’t already applied, you can check if you need planning permission on our website. 

When you’ll need building control approval

You need building control approval if you are building, extending or altering a building.  Building regulations apply to most building work, including:

  • domestic home improvements
  • work to commercial and non-residential properties
  • new buildings and extensions to existing buildings, including loft conversions
  • change of use of all or part of a building
  • structural changes such as:
    • underpinning
    • re-roofing
    • making a through lounge
    • partly removing a chimney breast
  • changing a building’s use, such as:
    • converting a garage into a room, or 
    • converting a house into flats
  • putting in, extending or changing drains
  • putting in services or fittings like washing and toilet facilities
  • extending a building
  • new fuel-burning appliances
  • cavity wall insulation
  • replacing windows ad external doors,
  • some electrical installation work

View a complete list of what needs building control approval on the planning portal. 

When you don't need building regulations approval

You may not need approval to carry out minor building work, such as:

You won't need approval for:

Detached single-storey buildings (with no sleeping area)

  • under 15 square metres, like greenhouses or garden sheds, or
  • with a floor area no bigger than 30 square metres, like a detached garage. The building must also be at least one metre from the property’s boundary, or mostly made of non-combustible material


  • a conservatory or porch at ground level with a floor area no bigger than 30 square metres, providing it is thermally separated from the house
    • the glass must meet the regulation standards, meaning you should use safety glass for most doors and adjacent windows and for windows with sills less than 0.8 metres above the floor
  • a carport (open on at least two sides) with a floor area no bigger than 30 square metres

Visit the LABC Front Door website for guidance on different types of home improvements

Electrical work 

If your installer or electrician belongs to a recognised Competent Person Self-Certification Scheme, you may not need to apply for building control approval. 

You can get advice on home improvement projects from the Citizens Advice website.

Last Modified: 23/03/2023 11:56:58