Request new or replacement bins and boxes

New fee for waste and recycling containers

The council has continued to provide waste and recycling containers free for as long as possible, but this is no longer sustainable given the economic pressures that the council is facing.  

Currently, an administrative fee (currently £18) is applied to all requests for new and replacement domestic waste and recycling containers, excluding food waste caddies.  

On 27 February 2025, Budget Council approved the introduction of a new fee for the actual cost of containers themselves, excluding food waste caddies.

Charging a fee for the containers themselves will alleviate some of the financial burden on the council and encourage residents to maximise the lifespan of the containers.  

From April 2025, the following charges will be introduced, in addition to the existing admin fees charged:

£23 charges for 180L and 240L refuse, recycling and garden waste wheelie bins

£37 for 360L bins (same types as above)

£5 charge for dry mixed recycling (DMR) boxes.

Any bins lost in the collection lorries or damaged by the council's contractor during the collection process will be replaced free of charge. The collection crew will record this and a free replacement bin will be issued.  

Where a resident believes a bin has been damaged by the crew and this hasn’t been recorded, they will need to refer this to the council’s waste team through an online form with supporting evidence.

Replacement containers can be ordered on the council’s website

Last Modified: 14/03/2025 12:42:40