Resettlement Schemes in Kingston

Hong Kong British National (Overseas) visa

Following China's imposition of the National Security Law on the people of Hong Kong in July 2020, the UK Government introduced a new immigration route for Hong Kong BN(O) status holders. 

Through this visa route individuals can work or study in the UK, and can apply to stay for 2 years and 6 months or 5 years. However, they usually cannot get most benefits. Visit the UK Government website for further information.  

Kingston Council is proud to have a growing Hong Kong community in our borough, and according to a poll conducted by 'Hong Kongers in Britain', it is the second topmost preferred location in Greater London by HongKongers. 

With the help of Migrant Advocacy Service we support the Hong Kong community in Kingston through a range of initiatives, including cultural events, trips, community groups, English language support and more. 

Visit the Migrant Advocacy Service website to find out more about their work. 

Last Modified: 16/01/2025 14:11:04