What to do if I am sick or in an emergency
Concerned about the welfare of a child or adult
Concerned about a child
If you are concerned about the welfare of a child, call 0208 547 5008.
If you need to speak to someone urgently after hours or at the weekend, call the ‘Out of Hours’ team on 0208 770 5000.
Call 999 if you think a child or young person is in immediate danger.
Concerned about an adult
If you are worried about your own safety or the safety of another person, please contact Kingston Council’s Access and Safeguarding Team on:
Telephone: 0208 547 5005.
Email: safeguarding@kingston.gov.uk
This service operates Monday - Friday 9am - 5pm
Other support services available
Red Cross
Support as a refugee from the Red Cross
All Saints Church in Kingston
From 11am-12pm on Monday to Saturday mornings a group of trained listeners is available if there is something you want to talk about in confidence.
Address: 14-16 Market Place, Kingston upon Thames KT1 1JP
Mind in Kingston
Mind provides counselling for adults aged 18 years and over who have moderate mental health issues e.g. depression, anxiety, and panic attacks.
Please call 020 8255 3939 or go to visit the Mind website
Kingston iCope
This service provides a range of short-term, psychological therapies including Cognitive Behavioural Therapy (known as ‘CBT’) and counselling. Support can be accessed in a range of different ways, such as face-to-face, telephone, group-based courses and online help.
Please call 0203 317 7850 or go to the iCope website
If you are struggling and wish to speak to somebody, you can talk to a trained volunteer at Samaritans by calling their free contact number 116 123. You can reach a volunteer 24 hours a day, every day of the year.
Free counselling from Refugee Action Kingston
Refugee Action Kingston provides free counselling services. You can register by emailing admin@refugeeactionkingston.org.uk. You will be assessed and may be referred on to other appropriate agencies if needed.