Tech-enabled care Case Study

Making Independence a Reality: Rosa's Story

Rosa, a fiercely independent resident of New Malden, embodies the spirit of staying home and living life to the fullest. Thanks to Kingston Council's Technology Enabled Care (TEC) programme with the Argenti partnership, Rosa can continue enjoying her home environment with the peace of mind of knowing help is always close at hand.
Photo of Rosa sitting in her armchair at home

Rosa is able to stay safe at home with Tech-Enabled care

TEC: A Lifeline for Independence

The TEC programme equips residents with care technology as well as consumer high street technology, like Alexa Show, falls pendants, video doorbells, and movement sensors. This empowers them to stay connected with loved ones, manage daily tasks, and maintain a sense of security. In Rosa's case, the video call feature on her Alexa Show bridges the distance between her and her daughter, Maria, who lives in Northumberland.

"The video link is massive," says Maria. "It allows us to see mum and for her to see the grandchildren, which is very important, especially considering the distance."

Beyond Video Calls: Safety and Security

The Ring doorbell provides an extra layer of security, allowing Rosa and Maria to communicate with visitors and carers coming to the property throughout the day. The falls pendant is another crucial element of the TEC package, ensuring immediate assistance in case of emergencies.

"The Ring doorbell is an essential tool," explains Maria. "It keeps mum safe and secure, especially with different carers coming in throughout the day."

Staying Home, Staying Happy

TEC has been instrumental in enabling Rosa to stay independent and avoid an unwanted move to a care home. This aligns perfectly with Rosa's wishes, as Maria emphasises, "Mum is adamant she doesn't want to go into a care home. The equipment we have, along with the support from carers, allows her to stay at home, which makes her very happy."

A Win-Win for All

The TEC programme benefits not only residents like Rosa but also alleviates strain on local NHS services. By allowing residents to recover safely at home, the programme promotes a more sustainable and cost-effective approach to care.

Charlotte, Social Work Practitioner for Rosa "It's great to be able to have access to technology to compliment other forms of care.”

Looking Ahead

TEC will continue to play a vital role in Rosa's life. As Sarah Spence, Digital Lead for Adult Social Care, says, "Where appropriate, we want to be able to use connected and secure technology to support people, like Rosa, to continue living in their homes while giving reassurance to their caregivers and loved ones. We worked with Rosa and her family to ensure we complimented the existing care technology already in her home to meet her specific needs."

The combination of technology and care services provides the ideal support system, allowing Rosa to remain in her beloved home for as long as possible.

Last Modified: 12/06/2024 13:57:02