Moving from children’s social care to adult social care

What transition involves

The process of moving from children's services to adult services is called ‘transition’.

Our partner organisation, Achieving for Children (AfC), provides our children's services in Kingston. We work closely with AfC to identify young people who are likely to need support when they become adults.

Depending on the young person’s needs, transition can include:

  • social care
  • health and medical services
  • education, training or employment
  • where they live
  • leaving care

How adult services are different

Services provided to young people under children’s services do not continue in the same way when they become adults. 

Our adult social care team will complete an assessment with the young person to understand their:

  • needs
  • outcomes
  • what help and support they might need to live as independently as possible when they’re an adult

As part of the assessment, we’ll consider whether the young person is eligible for support from adult social care.

We’ll also help them to consider decisions and take responsibility for their adult life as much as they can.

Paying for adult services

Care provided by the council to adults is means-tested. If you’re eligible for support, most people have to pay for some or all of their care. 

When transition starts

If children’s services think a child might need support when they’re an adult, they’ll start planning for transition in Year 9 (the school year when they turn 14).

This includes telling adult social care so they can start tracking the young person's progress. 

The young person’s social worker will keep their parent or carer updated and let them know if they need to do anything. You can also ask them if your child has been identified for transition planning.

If you’re new to the borough

If you’ve just moved to Kingston and want to learn more about transition in Kingston, contact our children’s services organisation Achieving for Children (AfC).

Find out more about Achieving for Children


020 8547 5008

Last Modified: 13/02/2025 10:13:52