Adult safeguarding resources

Adult Safeguarding Easy Read Leaflets

Policies and Strategies

See Safeguarding Adults Board Resources for our policies and strategies.

Good Practice

Pressure Ulcers: How to Safeguard Adults - How to respond to individuals at risk of developing pressure ulcers, prevent harm where they occur and raise a safeguarding concern

Further information on Electric Daily Hoist Checks is available. 

A quick guide for Registered Managers of Care Homes, "Creating a Safeguarding Culture" 

For the Revised Self-Neglect & Hoarding Guidance go to the Safeguarding Adults Board resources

SWL Inter-agency Adult Safeguarding Protocol - Medication Errors, Falls & Pressure Ulcers

The Social Care Institute for Excellence provides a good range of resources online – including Safeguarding TV and multi-agency policy:

The Social Care Institute for Excellence – resources for safeguarding adults

Safeguarding Legislation

Adult Safeguarding/Covid-19

7 Minute Briefings

The KSAB have introduced ‘Seven Minute Briefings’ (7MB) to allow managers to deliver a short briefing to staff on key topics – they can also be used to support reflective discussion with practitioners.

7 minute briefings are based on a technique borrowed from the FBI! Research suggests that seven minutes is an ideal time span to concentrate and learning is more memorable as it is simple and not clouded by other issues and pressures. Their brief duration should also mean that they hold people’s attention, as well as giving managers something to share with their staff.  Clearly such short briefings will not have all the answers, but it is hoped that they will act as a catalyst to help teams and their managers to reflect on their practice and systems. The expectation is that team leaders will present briefings to their staff, on a regular basis – seven minutes is manageable in most services so why not discuss one in your next team meeting.

Our briefings will be issued on a regular basis, providing a mixture of new information or a reminder of basic information with challenge for teams to think about the application to practice within their teams.  Partners and subgroups are encouraged to draft a briefing and submit it for publication.  The briefings can be downloaded below from the library list which is being updated with new briefings regularly, and also publish a 7 minute briefing as part of each Safeguarding Adult Review.  We encourage all agencies to record or evidence how they have used our 7 Minute Briefings (7MB) on the action plan.

  1. London Fire Brigade 7MB and Checklist
  2. Domestic Violence 7MB
  3. Clare's Law 7MB
  4. Think Family! 7MB
  5. Cuckooing 7MB
  6. Adult Safeguarding Awareness (Public) 7MB
  7. Adult Safeguarding Awareness (Voluntary) 7MB
  8. Scams 7MB
  9. Thanks to the SW London Leads Group and Central London & Community Healthcare NHS Trust for sharing the following information:
  10. Police & Safeguarding 6MB
  11. Predatory Marriage 7MB

Developing Together - Social Work Teaching Partnership

We are involved in a unique Social Work Teaching Partnership with seven local authorities, two voluntary sector agencies and an academic partner, Kingston University.  The Partnership has received government funding to develop and test new and innovative approaches to Social Work qualifying education and continuing professional development programmes.  As a result, a significant number of Social Work practitioners from across the Partnership are involved in Kingston University’s Social Work programmes, delivering or co-delivering lectures, workshops and seminars.

Practitioners from across the Partnership also work alongside those with lived experience of social care as part of ‘Create the Curriculum’ events, to contribute to the creation and development of the syllabus, ensuring it is always richly informed by practice.

Our Partnership champions collaboration between practice and academia, and we work together across the Partnership to design and enhance continuing professional development opportunities. We recently commissioned a bespoke Coaching and Mentoring course worth thirty academic credits through Kingston University, and have sponsored twenty Social Workers across the Partnership to complete this qualification.

Find out more about our Teaching Partnership.

Last Modified: 12/12/2024 11:36:05